
Diastasis Recti Unveiled: Understanding the Post-Pregnancy Belly Bulge

Diastasis Recti Unveiled: Understanding the Post-Pregnancy Belly Bulge

If you find your belly still protruding months after giving birth, you might be dealing with Diastasis Recti. This condition, once medically diagnosed, often calls for physiotherapy intervention. Although prevalent among postpartum women, Diastasis Recti can affect anyone. A crucial point to note is that proper physiotherapy is essential for managing Diastasis Recti, rather than relying solely on generic “Mummy Tummy” exercises.

Diastasis Recti involves the separation of abdominal muscles after childbirth. Here’s an insight into how to recognize, prevent, and treat this condition that leads to a noticeable bulging belly.


Will my postpartum belly ever go away?

Dr. Anuradha (PT), a Certified Childbirth Educator leading prenatal and postnatal programs at ReLiva, often encounters the question: Will my postpartum belly ever vanish? The answer is yes! Many times, Diastasis Recti-related belly bulging could have been entirely prevented through cautious prenatal exercises focused on core and pelvic floor muscles, much like the ones offered by FabMoms, a dedicated prenatal and postnatal service


Postpartum, abdominal muscles don’t always revert to their pre-pregnancy state. A protruding belly might indicate Diastasis Recti, where a physiotherapist can prescribe specific exercises to help knit those abdominal muscles back together.


What can I do if I have Diastasis Recti?

Here’s a list of dos and don’ts to consider if Diastasis Recti has led to a bulging belly:

  • Avoid strenuous exercises that cause your abdominal wall to protrude.
  • Activate your Deep Tummy Muscles before bending forward.
  • Steer clear of heavy lifting or bending.
  • Be cautious when straining on the toilet.
  • Skip aggressive abdominal exercises that strain the midline, like sit-ups or crunches.
  • Roll onto your side before getting out of bed to avoid sit-up motions.
  • Avoid holding your baby on one hip.
  • Consult a physiotherapist for effective treatment.
  • Continue exercises to strengthen your deep core muscles.


What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti emerges as the abdominal muscles stretch during pregnancy to accommodate the growing uterus. This can lead to an abnormal separation of the parallel abdominal muscles down the midline, creating Diastasis Recti or Diastasis Recti abdominis (DRA).


Who can be affected by Diastasis Recti?

While Diastasis Recti can affect anyone, it is most commonly seen in pregnant women. It’s prevalent among women over 35, those delivering high birth weight babies, or experiencing multiple pregnancies. It’s also noticed in middle-aged and older men with abdominal obesity.


How to know if I have Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti isn’t usually painful and may not be obvious until the postpartum phase. You can self-test by lying on your back with knees bent and lifting your head and shoulders. A visible doming down the middle of your tummy indicates Diastasis Recti. A physiotherapist can provide a more accurate diagnosis.


How does Physiotherapy help in Diastasis Recti?

Physiotherapy, specifically targeted exercise therapy, offers a primary means of managing Diastasis Recti. At ReLiva, physiotherapists create exercise programs focusing on pelvic alignment, toning, and flattening the abdominal wall. Corrective exercises help draw the rectus abdominus muscles together. For larger separations, a corset or binder may be recommended along with exercise.


What happens if Diastasis Recti is left untreated?

If left untreated, Diastasis Recti can lead to complications such as low back pain, hernia, poor posture, and even pelvic floor dysfunction. Timely physiotherapy intervention is crucial for effective management and recovery.


In summary, Diastasis Recti is a common condition post-pregnancy that can be successfully managed through physiotherapy and targeted exercises. Seek professional guidance, prioritize your well-being, and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more aligned body.